How to Watch Videos offline on YouTube?

For example, during work or coming home - if you meet frequent Spotlight Internet connectivity sites - and if you like to watch the video, you have to target YouTube's offline feature. The feature allows youtube users to enjoy their favorite videos on their android and iOS devices, even when there is no useful network connection. Here's what YouTube's offline feature is, and how you can use it.

YouTube's offline feature allows Android and iOS users to save YouTube videos for later consumption on their device. These videos can be downloaded through mobile data or Wi-Fi networks. This feature is ad-supported, however, so you have to sit through an advertisement before going to your video.

Not every video is available
It's worth noting that not every video is available to watch offline. Very popular YouTube content of India can be downloaded, but you can watch some videos that are not available to download.

Offline availability
Any video downloaded can only be played offline for 48 hours. After this, you will have to search for a working internet connection with the YouTube app and sync again for any changes and availability status.

How to download YouTube videos to watch offline

To make a YouTube video available offline, first you need to open the YouTube app on your Android or iOS smartphone or tablet.

Go to the video file you want to download. Add to the Offline icon below the video (Alternatively, you can click on the context menu button and select on the offline option). Note that if the video is not available for offline viewing then it will have to add a cross on the offline button. You can not download such video on your device.

When you click on the offline button, you will be asked to select the short, medium, HD - resolution of the YouTube app file. Low quality will be downloaded quickly, will take less space on your device, but will be of relatively poor quality. Once you select the quality, the video will start saving on your device.

How to see offline YouTube videos.

Note that the video will be saved available within the YouTube app. To find the file, visit YouTube's home page. You can do this simply by tapping the back button on the Android and using the pull down video.

Once you are on the home page, click on the Account tab (one of the largest corners that looks like a human body).
You will find saved videos on this page. Clicking on this will show all the saved videos for offline viewing. If you want to delete a video, click the context menu next to the video and select Remove from saved video.

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